
As an industrial designer, Trent is passionate about creating products that exceed your customer’s expectations. Our talented research and design team uncovers valuable insights and translates them into beautiful products and experiences that synergize with your brand. We help our clients to bring their ideas to life with real world solutions that are cost effective and revered by customers.

Partnering for Success

At Garner Design we believe in long term relationships and are here to help you throughout the process. We are invested in the products and experiences we design and are keenly interested in your success. We partner with you to determine the best course of action and what services will be of value to you and develop a timeline for your project that is achievable and efficient.


Experience and Innovation

We began this journey in 2000 and have helped a wide variety of clients bring their products to life. We have a broad spectrum of experience in the sports/fitness, medical and cleaning equipment industries and have pioneered new products that have generated excellent sales for the companies we have partnered with. For example, at Kärcher we led a team to create a revolutionary concept that resulted in a labor reduction of 30% for customers. In the first year of production it exceeded sales volume predictions by 55%.  Garner Design has an experienced network of designers, researchers and engineers to make innovations that your customers love.

Proven Results

Recently Garner Design helped Kärcher develop a product in 6 months’ time that generated 4 million dollars in profits in its first month of production. Although the existing product worked, it was labor intensive to produce and was quirky to use and service.The design update to reduced labor, synergized with the Kärcher brand and most importantly, incorporated features that made it a breeze for customers to use like an on-board charger. This was all made possible because of the highly collaborative nature that Garner Design embodies.

Business Minded

At Garner Design not only are we are passionate about creating products that are user friendly, but we are also committed to delivering solutions that are cost effective. As business minded designers we excel at prioritizing design efforts on areas of products or experiences that will be of value to customers which translates into faster timelines.


Let’s Work Together